Handmade Web My website is a shifting house A Rant About "Technology" New Document 1 Spirit Surfing Democratize the Internet Now! Nasty Net back
First off I love the layout of the post on Net Art Anthology. Breaking up the text really helps me in reading because I can't seem to focus on long text.
Ok, back to Nasty Net. It's crazy I picked this one to respond to before
I even got to reading Spirit Surfing.
collecting, juxtaposing, and curating found objects online.
Their practice is similar to what I am interested in. Whenever I find something interesting or absurd on the internet or glitches on devices, I take a screenshot. Just for my pleasure. I might even go out of the way to record a video screenshot.

(It has to be really compelling for me to do something like that.)

Would this be appropriating?

One day I hope to curate these collected materials. I probably won't sell the collection, whichever form it turns out to be, because that feels like appropriating.
Some of these materials on Nasty Net
I can't even fathom why they're on there. The motive of the user (the one who posted) is lost on me as an outsider.
When I'm surfing the web, I get swept
by the current while reading posts in
an internet community or searching something on a wiki, and end up ashore
on a remote island that I never
expected to find.

The aesthetic and contents of Nasty Net reminds me of a video from 1995 I found on archive.org, called CONNECT ON THE NET. A good watch.
Amateur user appreciation
Collaging to create new workMonster by Pascual Sisto